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EQUIP- Pastor John Fancin Ibe- Testimony

In In May 2013 Pastor John Fancin Ibe, with his wife Janet and 3 year old son Reign travelled from Nigeria to Merrigum, Australia, being sponsored by Shalom Worship Centre and lived with Pastor Felicity for 12 months. He undertook regular teaching in their weekly Shalom Worship Services and prayer meetings and some regional gatherings. In June 2014 the family went to live in Canberra and joined the team at YWAM with a teaching role and associated with various African & local Canberra fellowships. 

Prior to their arrival in Australia, Pastor Felicity invited Fancin John to accompany herself and a friend to Ghana in April 2012 where he connected her to various Ghana pastors. He was invited to preach and we worked together in putting on a "Shalom Praise" event where Pastor John led the participating pastors in a powerful prayer times in the worship, as the nation was preparing for a significant Presidential election.

There has been ongoing connection with some of these pastors.

After the move to Canberra in 2014, we maintained an ongoing kingdom connection and we both, joined him in Canberra for a number of teaching events- House of Prayer- Canberra, and he travelled down to Merrigum to conduct a series of teaching meetings -EQUIP- held at our Shalom House and Merrigum hall. 

Their daughter Blossom was born in 2017 while in Canberra. In 2024 they moved up to Armidale and seeking again to establish kingdom connections and to both strengthen believers and build unity amongst the churches.

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The  Ruby Connection- Donations raised from clothing etc.  are sent directly each month 

to Pastor Robert Muyiinza in Entebbe Uganda 

to support our Children's Mission on Bawaya Island, Lake Victoria .


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